Your support enables youth to explore their interests in various areas and teaches them to set and achieve goals with confidence. Support can come at all levels, stages, and ages and makes a tremendous difference. We are thankful for your consideration of Georgia 4-H as a key investment in the future as we grow Georgia 4-H.
In the wake of the Covid19 Pandemic, Georgia 4-H has a great need for unrestricted donations to support facilities and programs for youth across our state.
Georgia 4-H Programs have historically been face to face delivery in local schools, County Extension Offices, and our 4-H Centers. Due to Covid19, Georgia 4-H facilities have been closed since early March of 2020 and our faculty and staff have been working from home and sheltering in place. The creativity of 4-H staff has resulted in many new program delivery methods such as a virtual project achievement, webinars, daily online Environmental Education programs delivered from our centers around the state, and countless others offered by counties and state specialists.
We are grateful for the support of our donors, volunteers, and friends who have played a major role in the success of Georgia 4-H. As you are able, we hope that you will continue to support Georgia 4-H in this time of need to help us stay strong and sustainable for the future.
Please consider a monthly or one-time gift to the Georgia 4-H Foundation. With your help, we can continue to “make the best better” for generations to come.
Major gifts to support the Georgia 4-H program and 4-H centers are vital as we provide needed support for programs, services, and facilities to 4-H youth across the state. The Georgia 4-H Foundation provides a number of opportunities for supporters of 4-H to make a gift outside of their annual donation that supports the program.
Investments in Rock Eagle 4-H Center are far-reaching and have long-term impact on the success of the Georgia 4-H program: Hundreds of thousands of 4-H youth and adults pass through the center’s gates and use the facilities, making it is a distinctive learning environment where youth demonstrate knowledge gained, develop leadership skills, and create lifelong friendships. The public and private funding partnership for construction of replacement cabins at Rock Eagle 4-H Center is a key component of the success of the Rock Eagle 4-H Center 21st Century Cabin Replacement Project. The center’s improvements enhance its ability to provide a quality learning environment for youth, as well as attract adult business that is critical to the overall operation while keeping costs at a minimum for our youth audience.
Georgia 4-H is in the process of replacing the 54 Rock Eagle 4-H Center cabins at a total cost of $35 million. To date we have secured $17.5 million in state appropriated funds and $5.5 million in private commitments and pledges
- Anonymous
- Anonymous Atlanta Foundation
- Andrews Family Foundation
- Daniel Ashley and Irene Jewell Foundation
- Bucky and Shelley Cook
- Georgia Development Authority
- Georgia Electric Membership Corporation
- The Helton Estate
- The Kroger Company
- Rock Eagle Camp Counselor/4-H Alumni
William H. Sell Family - SunTrust Foundation
- SunTrust Bank Trusteed Foundation
- Florence C. and Harry L. English Memorial Fund
- Harriet McDaniel Marshall Trust
- Kirby and Roseanne Thompson
- Robert W. Woodruff Foundation
“The new cabins of Rock Eagle play an instrumental role in the experiences of campers, adults, and counselors alike. These new cabins provide not only safe and comfortable living accommodations, but also a fun place for campers to relax, play, and interact with adult leaders and their “Milk Cottage” counselors. Although m ost camp activities occur outside the cabins, some of the most profound and memorable camp experiences occur within those walls.”
-Rachael Allen,
Waterfront Coordinator,
2015 and 2016 Summer Camping Program, Rock Eagle 4-H Center

- 64,590 participated in programs at the nation’s largest 4-H center in 2016
- 5,656 campers attended Rock Eagle 4-H center in 2016
- 15,762 students participated in Environmental Education at Rock Eagle 4-H center in 2015-2016 school year

The original construction of Rock Eagle 4-H Center was funded through a public/private partnership. Today, Georgia 4-H continues this partnership by leveraging public and private support in the campaign

Leadership & Officers Circle donors support the leadership training and professional development of Georgia 4-Hers. Every year 70+ students serve as Georgia 4-H state and district officers. Hundreds of teens compete for these coveted spots by creating a memorable campaign and developing a personalized elevator speech on their desire to serve. Fellow Georgia 4-Hers vote for their candidate of choice.
Once selected, state and district officers represent their peers at conferences, meetings, and 4-H Day at the Capitol. These young leaders gain valuable public speaking and personal interaction skills while gaining real life experiences connecting with government and business leaders. State and district officers are coached on decision making, team building, and critical thinking during vast professional development and leadership training activities.
This multitude of workshops, training programs, and other activities are funded through the Georgia 4-H Foundation’s Leadership & Officers Circle. The group consists of former officers, 4-H alumni, and others donors who have benefited from their leadership experiences in Georgia 4-H. Individuals who were not Georgia 4-Hers but support its overall mission of youth development are also welcomed to be a part. Funding through the Leadership & Officers Circle is anchored by the Nathan and Sandra Deal Leadership Endowment. Earnings from this endowment, named in honor of the former Governor and First Lady, are grouped with donations made to the circle and invested directly into the state and district officer programs.
In order to expand this program and deepen its impact, The Foundation invites all former officers and other supporters of leadership and professional development programs, to be a part of the Leadership & Officers Circle. By donating, you can continue your legacy with Georgia 4-H while investing in programs that will grow the next generation of leaders.
Please consider following the link and select Leadership & Officers Circle to support our effort to create the next generation of Georgia leaders. Thank you!
2023-2024 State Board of Directors
Supplemental Documentation:
What is Project Achievement?
Project Achievement empowers youth with skills for a lifetime. Students choose a project area they are interested in, research the topic, and present their findings. As students become older, a record keeping component that promotes independent thinking and implementation is added. Senior competitions (9th-12th grade) encourage youth to become more involved in their project areas and advance to state and national levels. In the 2020 program year over 79,000 4-H’ers participated in project achievement developing leadership, creativity, public speaking and other life skills.
Please see below for an updated list of the project achievement program highlights.
Project Achievement Sponsorships
Sponsorship funds are used to provide awards, ribbons, and/or medallions for all 4-H project achievement participants and to send district winning 4-H’ers to State Congress. Additionally, these contributions provide state winners with the opportunity to attend National Congress to represent Georgia. The support and generosity of project achievement sponsors, at all levels, play a crucial role in the ability to cover these costs.
For a number of years, sponsorships were broken out by competition levels including Cloverleaf, Junior, and Senior categories, all which asked for varying donation amounts. When assessing the opportunity to better steward project achievement donors, and to cover ever-rising costs of project achievement and State/National Congress, it was decided to streamline the process into five distinct areas.
Currently there are 50 senior projects that compete at all three levels: county, district, and state. Blue Ribbon donors at the $ 2,500 level are the named sponsors of one of Georgia 4-H’s senior projects.
In addition to the Blue Ribbon level, there are also additional opportunities for donors to help fully fund project achievement through the Red Ribbon, White Ribbon, Participant, and Sustainer levels of contributions. Regardless of the donation level, all contributions here will collectively make an enormous impact each year to insure the success of our almost 80,000 participants.
Please see below for an updated list of the project achievement sponsorship levels.
Friends of Clovers & Co.
Thank you for your consideration to become a member of Friends of Clovers & Co.
Clovers & Co. has been a signature and instrumental part of Georgia 4-H for decades. This year, as we celebrate the group’s 40th anniversary, we are pulling together alumni, Clovers’ families, and community supporters to ensure that the program flourishes for another forty years. Friends of Clovers & Co. consists of donors and patrons rallying around the efforts of these incredibly talented 4-H’ers.
All donations made to the Friends fund are specifically earmarked to underwrite the activities, programs, and performances of Clovers.
The investments made through your financial support will honor your legacy with Clovers & Co. -as well as help provide opportunities for the next generation that will flourish within this exemplary troop of 4-H’ers.
Please follow the included link to learn more about the giving levels and benefits of Friends of Clovers & Co. To donate, select the Donate button below and designate your gift to Friends of Clovers & Co.
Thank you!
evergreen adjective
1: relating to or denoting a plant that retains green leaves throughout the year.
Using this definition, it can be said that the 4-H Clover is evergreen because it stays green throughout the year impacting the lives of Georgia’s youth. This impact would not be possible without the generosity of donors.
#StayGreen for Georgia 4-H and become a monthly donor to help sustain Georgia 4-H programming!
When you become a Georgia 4-H Foundation Evergreen Donor, you are joining a group of supporters making a monthly commitment to ensure the accessibility of 4-H youth development programs around the state.
Whether you give $4, $14, or $44 your contributions add up monthly and go to work immediately. For the cost of a monthly streaming subscription, your support can help a 4-H’er experience summer camp or participate in project achievement.
Commemorate your time in 4-H by joining the Georgia 4-H Senior Wall. With your $40 donation to the Georgia 4-H Foundation, your name will be placed on the Class of 2025 Senior Wall plaque located in the EMC Senior Pavilion at Rock Eagle 4-H Center. In addition to having your name placed on the Class of 2025 Senior wall plaque, your name will also be listed in the Georgia 4-H Annual Report (Georgia 4-H Cloverleaf).
Please contact Tracy Williams at twfowler@uga.edu with any questions.
The Georgia 4-H Legacy Plaza Campaign is an effort aimed to provide alumni and friends a visible way to give to Georgia 4-H. These bricks are an ideal way to commemorate a loved one, special occasion, or someone who has made a difference in your life. You can also join family and friends to create an enduring tribute to a leader or shared experience. The pavers are a beautiful entrance to the Legacy Plaza in front of the Georgia EMC Building and Senior Pavilion at Rock Eagle 4-H Center. Funds raised through the Georgia 4-H Legacy Plaza Brick Campaign will support Georgia 4-H Project Achievement.
Georgia 4-H Foundation
306 Hoke Smith Annex
Athens, GA 30602
© 2017 The University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences The University of Georgia 4-H program is the largest youth leadership organization in the state.