Georgia 4-H is made possible by thousands of generous supporters and their contributions help us continue to make the best better.
Thank you to our 2024 Pillar Sponsors: Harley Langdale Jr. Foundation, Inc., Agriculture Programs; Premium Peanut, Healthy Living Programs; Kelly Loeffler, Civic Engagement Programs; Chemours, Environmental Science Programs.
There are numerous ways that a gift may be made in support of Georgia 4-H. The “Georgia 4-H Club Foundation, Inc.” is classified as a 501(c)(3) organization (Tax ID Number 58-0832988) and all contributions are tax-deductible according to IRS standards.
Mail a check payable to Georgia 4-H Foundation to 306 Hoke Smith Annex, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602 or make a gift online by clicking the Donate button
Monthly deductions may also be arranged via credit card by calling 706-542-8914.
To make a gift of marketable securities, or for further information, please contact the Georgia 4-H Foundation Business Manager Beth Jarrett at 706-542-8889. Our office will assist in getting the information needed to you and your financial advisor to coordinate the donation with SunTrust Banks, the Foundation’s investment firm. Unless otherwise specified, transferred stock shares will be liquidated and placed into the Georgia 4-H Foundation managed portfolio.
A gift of tangible personal property may be accepted provided that:
Such a gift is consistent with the mission;
Acceptance of such a gift will not involve significant additional expense in its present or future use, display, maintenance, or administration; and
No financial or other burdensome obligation or expense is or will be directly or indirectly incurred by UGA/Georgia 4-H Foundation as a result thereof.
Please contact the Georgia 4-H Foundation for more information.
Employee matching gifts are grants an employer makes to match its employees’ charitable contributions. Usually associated with corporate grantmakers, employee matching gifts often are dollar-for-dollar, but some companies will give double or even triple the original donation. Some companies may also give matching gifts for employees’ volunteer efforts. Procedures vary with each company. Typically, individuals must submit forms to their employers. They usually can get more information about their matching gift benefits from their human resources department.
Current UGA employees may elect to give automatically through payroll deduction. Employees may choose to make a specified pledge (a set amount to be withheld from each paycheck for a specific number of paychecks) or an open-ended pledge (a set amount to be withheld from each paycheck until the Gift Accounting Office is notified to discontinue payments). Contact the Georgia 4-H Foundation for guidelines and authorization forms.
Commemorative gifts are a thoughtful way to honor or memorialize a loved one while supporting a cause you believe in. Your memorial gift can establish an endowment, renew a scholarship, or help fund other projects.
Examples of planned giving include:
Life Insurance
Charitable Trusts/Annuities
Donors may designate their gifts for specific purposes.
Please contact the Georgia 4-H Foundation about these options and completion of a Planned Gift Agreement.
Substantial gifts may be used to establish endowment funds to increase the long-lasting impact intended by donors.

Rock Eagle: Centerpiece of Georgia 4-H is a comprehensive history of the development of the Rock Eagle 4-H Center in Putnam County, Georgia. The text covers the origins of the county, the origins of Georgia 4-H and the evolution of the campus and programs offered at the world's largest 4-H center.

The Georgia Ag Tag is available for purchase at all county tag offices with proceeds benefiting 4-H and FFA. Funding from the sale of these specialty tags will support programs in Georgia 4-H and Georgia FFA. The funds designated to Georgia 4-H will be used to support agricultural and environmental-related projects.

Amazon Smile is a simple and automatic way for you to support your Georgia 4-H every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop you will have the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to Georgia 4-H.

Kroger is a partner to Georgia 4-H and is committed to helping our communities grow and prosper through the Kroger Community Rewards program simply by registering and swiping your Kroger Plus Card every time you shop. Register today to support Georgia 4-H (Organization Number 77588).

National 4-H Council has partnered with EMI Music's Special Markets division-a record label representing more than 1,300 artists and owning a catalogue of 3 million songs of different genres-to create a music compilation CD of approximately 11 country songs by famous 4-H alumni, including three former Georgia 4-H'ers - Jennifer Nettles, Hillary Lindsey, and Luke Bryan. Nettles, a Coffee County 4-Her, and Lindsey, a Wilkes County 4-Her, made their musical debuts in Clovers & Co., Georgia's renowned performing arts group. Bryan was an active 4-Her from Leesburg, Ga.

To commemorate the history of Georgia 4-H, the book was created and has a page dedicated to each of the 159 Georgia Counties, illustrating the history and current programs and people of Georgia 4-H.
Georgia 4-H Foundation
306 Hoke Smith Annex
Athens, GA 30602
© 2017 The University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences The University of Georgia 4-H program is the largest youth leadership organization in the state.